About Spirit of Breath Collective

Who We Are



Founder of Spirit of Breath & Teacher

Sascha is a trained Alchemy of Breath Breathwork Facilitator. His vision is to use the art and science of conscious breathing and breathing exercises to achieve health, growth and transformation of body, soul and spirit. He creates a safe environment where, under his guidance, they can open their hearts and heal their relationships with themselves. At his workshops they have the opportunity to connect with their emotional, mental and physical bodies.



Founder of Breathe into Being You & Teacher

She is a breathwork expert and positive mindset coach. Her mission is to bring calm and connection to the lives of overworked and overwhelmed women and men simply through teaching how to breathe better in 1:1 sessions, courses and programs. She is an Alchemy of Breath Certified Breathwork Facilitator and Mentor and a Beautiful You Life Coach.

Indri uses her years of expertise to reconnect you with your body and feminine energy, bringing increased clarity, flow and radiance. To put it simply – Indri brings you back to a place of love and pleasure, as opposed to stress and pressure, so you can feel empowered to live your best life, at a pace that works for you


Christian Kasper

Teacher & Coach

A practitioner (in Jungian supervision) who supports people on their journey to more self-leadership, inner knowing and reconnecting with themselves.

He uses a holistic range of different modalities, from explorative exercises to deep inquiries, and trauma-informed modalities to using tools to connect to our deep wisdom.

He is passionate about understanding the soul, our inner world and how to thrive in our lives. This is his greatest dedication in this phase of his life.


Our Assistant Teacher

AnnMarie McArdle

Breathwork Facilitator

AnnMarie is a Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitator via Spirit of Breath Collective, pranayama coach, counsellor, & business manager.

As a deeply empathic soul it is AnnMarie’s mission to guide you to use your breath to unlock the key to your own healing. AnnMarie’s intention is to hold safe space for others to reconnect with themselves allowing their truth & authenticity to surface through cultivating awareness of their breath and connection to intuition.

Having deep dived into breathwork as an aid to her own healing journey with recurrent collapsed lungs AnnMarie discovered the incredible healing power of conscious breathwork practice and our own innate ability to heal ourselves.

'Our breath is the link between body and mind, between the seen & unseen. It connects us to ourselves, to each other and to all that is. Through unblocking stuck energy you allow your life energy to flow.

Breathwork is both completely magical & totally quantifiable in the fields of physiology & neuroscience. Use your own magic.


Our Mentors

Yasemin Gül

Breathwork Facilitator & Somatic Practitioner

Located in: Berlin/Germany


Adrienn Guhr

Adrienn teaches through breathwork how to move from contraction to expansion. Breath by breath meeting yourself with love, devotion and respect.

Located in: Budapest, Hungary


Melle Totsikas

Licensed Coach, Breathwork Facilitator & Co-Lead People & Culture

Located in: Darmstadt, Hessen (Germany)



Hannah Perry Saucier

Hannah is a Breathwork facilitator and visual artist, using both the breath and art as therapeutic practices.

Located in: Barcelona (Spain)
